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N2N Story: Don't Give Up

One very influential pastor whose church participated in this [N2N partnership] was very encouraged when his father of old age, whom he was staying with, got [saved] during the period of this project. A pastor from the nearby village visited him and the family. They shared the Gospel and the old man asked some questions and finally asked what he can do to be saved. They led him to the Lord, and he was saved that day.

The host pastor could not hide his joy and said with tears running down his cheeks, "I have been praying for this day for years. I have asked a lot of people including some family members to join in and to be praying for him. I really don't know how to thank God. Indeed this is an answered prayer!"

Do you have family members or close friends that are far from God? Begin praying for their hearts. Ask God for opportunities to share the Gospel, and never give up praying for them.

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