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N2N Story: Small Church, International Impact

In Aalborg, Denmark, a recent N2N project has not only brought encouragement to believers but also the good news to internationals living in Denmark, who were touched by the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

The project in Aalborg, Denmark was meant to help two local churches find creative ways to reach out to people for Jesus and encourage the believers in their efforts to share the Gospel and make disciples. In a very materialistic culture, many people are not interested or open to a spiritual conversation, but with the presence of internationals in the city, a small church called Koinonia International Christian Fellowship has the purpose of serving and ministering to internationals in the community.

Among the internationals that were reached during this N2N project was Argentine lawyer, Romero. This is Romero’s story of coming to the Lord:

“This week I met a wonderful person who became my best friend: Jesus! As I grew up in a Catholic environment, I knew that He died for me, I knew that He is the Son of God, but all these I knew with my head. Now I received Him in my heart and it’s a totally new thing. I’m going back to Buenos Aires after these few months in Aalborg as a new person, and I will look to find an Evangelical church, just like Koinonia, to grow in my walk with Jesus along with other real Christians.

Praise the Lord for this small church in Denmark working to reach internationals in their city! Pray for Romero, that he will grow in his faith in Jesus among other believers as he returns to his home country of Argentina. May many come to faith in Jesus through Romero!

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