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N2N Story: Restored Through Christ Alone

Three local churches in Verona, Italy joined together for the goal of reaching the lost people in their city.

Some local believers shared a testimony from the N2N outreach time.
“So often our colleagues from work or our friends refused to come to the church with us. We were so sad that we couldn’t see people who had come to know Christ through our involvement. This time we are sure that God answered our PRAYERS, done for months ahead of the Crusade, and one of our family friends (Natalia) received Jesus in her heart and she wants to be baptized!!! We are extremely happy and for sure we will continue to be a daily testimony for the Lord. We learned that we need patience and continue to pray!”

Natalia is a lady about 40 years old who came in Italy a few years before for a better life. She was divorced (because her former husband was violent against her and her children) and was searching for something to give her comfort and a sure foundation for the future. Upon being invited to the church by her friends, she decided to go and she placed her trust in Jesus for her future, with a willingness to obey in baptism as well! Natalia told the local believers that the joy and peace she is experiencing now she never had before.

“God is good, and He can restore those who come to Him through Christ.”

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