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N2N Story: Your Story, His Glory

From intentional house visits to powerful evangelistic services, IC's National to National partnerships are full of Holy Spirit-filled and Gospel-focused stories that we love sharing!

Diana* shares her personal testimony of being involved with this N2N partnership in Germany:

"Since I decided to follow Jesus, my colleagues saw a difference in my life, but they refused to come with me to the church, arguing that they don’t understand Romanian. The N2N and the special baptismal service gave me the opportunity to invite them again and my joy was great when I saw 21 of them coming to church (I told them that we will have translation too). The joy was even greater when some of them received Jesus through prayer... and I pray that my testimony of a new life will encourage the rest of them to give [their lives to Christ, too]."

Your story is powerful! Click here to learn how to share your testimony in a short, relational way.

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