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The Gospel Can’t be Contained

A message that holds power can’t be contained.

IC staff member JT shares a memory from the recent project to Albania: In a village outside of Roscovec, “There was one church member there that had arranged for us to visit some of her husband’s family. After giving an example of sharing our testimony and giving an invitation, we moved to her brother-in-law’s house for the first visit. There were 5 of us that walked to his house and shared the Gospel, which he accepted. Then, his wife joined us to go to the next brother’s house, who also accepted Christ. Then we went to a cousin’s house accompanied by the second brother’s wife as well. By the time we reached our last visit, there were 9 of us that walked into the yard. We caused so much commotion that the neighbors joined the visit. In just a few hours and entirely by foot, we were able to share the Gospel with 30 people in one afternoon.”

That’s the kind of commotion we love! The Gospel was moving not in word only, but in power! May it continue to do so through believers around the world.

Join us in prayer for those who accepted the Gospel message in Albania to be fruitful, fearless laborers for the Kingdom!

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